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Introducing Aiir’s new mobile apps for radio stations


We’re excited to share with you the brand new versions of our iOS and Android apps.
Useful Aiir features during COVID-19


Highlighting a few areas of the Aiir CMS that may be useful for radio stations during these challenging times


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We’ve built a new API for sending track information to us and it’s available for use today.
百度网盘神器Pandownload已倒 替伋者ShengDownload走红:前两天百度网盘不限速神器Pandownload作者被抓,这个软件很快就不能用了,这对非会员来说很难受,因为这个软件真的太好用了。Pandownload刚倒,马上就有了替伋者ShengDownload。


I want to expand from just my Web Design work, so what’s the plan? Where do I go from here to challenge my mind but still keep my passion…
潘达工具箱 - 史上最全面的外网工具注册&使用教程:2021-4-29 · 超好用的Win10电脑外网连接软件推荐 5款最适合安卓手机上外网的软件 国内苹果手机用户首选加速器 加速推荐 2021年科学上网方法整理-Express科学加速测评 游戏&娱乐 怎么在中国看网飞(Netflix) Pixiv官网如何注册账号 怎么看R-18 Fakku绅士站官网登录


I adore being a remote worker but it hasn’t always been easy.
Benefits: How can we compete with big business as a small business?


What we offer our team, how we’ve got to where we are, and what we don’t do that is just as valuable.
How I get work done


I’ve become more conscious of distractions at work. It turns out everything can be a distraction if you let it become one.


From today you may notice a few changes relating to Media Manager.

Aiir is hiring a developer

云计算时伋的到来(二)——社交电商的“送水人”,42倍股 ...:股亨 06-02 00:34 ShopIfy and saleforce市值過萬億 @中国有赞 @微盟集团 兩股市值僅四百億 這裡有很多人拿兩股來比較 其實 只要大家深明Saas ToB板塊超級巨大 內地才剛剛起步 疫症出現伌部分商家加速開店 繼後還有大量商家緊隨其後紛紛開店 兩家公司會同時受益 兩者只會像 NIKE與ADIDAS一樣共存分享市場 …
2023 in Review


Looking back on a year of new stations, new features and ahead to the new ideas still to come… Merry Christmas from Aiir!

New to Aiir: Programme Information and Stations

We’ve changed how you put together your on air schedule using Aiir. There’s a new look and new features, so here’s what you need to know.
Coming soon in Aiir: Programme Information and Stations


服务器芯片逆疫情求生-电子工程专辑:2021-5-6 · 因为新型冠状肺炎 (COVID-19) 继续在欧美国家扩大,而带动各种线上游戏,线上视频(Netflix, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram),电话/视频会议软件服务,远程办公、在线教育及医疗的流量大幅增加,我伊因此上修全球计算机半导体(服务 ...
TuneIn and the problem with smart speakers

TuneIn and the problem with smart speakers

How TuneIn’s downtime highlights the risks with how smart speakers currently work with live radio stations

Upgrading jQuery on your Aiir website

We’ve introduced an option to switch from v1 to v3 for existing customers.

Log in to Aiir with your email address

The next time you need to log in to Aiir, you’ll notice a new addition to our login screen — a box to enter your email address! 🎉
Going serverless: How we migrated our customer websites to AWS Lambda

快帆 - 简介 | Facebook:快帆. 13,313 次赞 · 31 人在谈论. 「快帆」是一款帮助海外华人用户高速访问中国网络的加速软件,可伍让境外华人从国外直连到中国国内。

Today we’re pleased to announce we’ve open sourced our PHP Lambda Layer, which will allow you to migrate a PHP website in to an AWS Lambda…
New in Studio Inbox: Instagram comments


We’re excited to add a second significant new feature to Studio Inbox this month — Instagram comments.
New in Studio Inbox: Contests

New in Studio Inbox: Contests

A simple new feature to run an on-air contest, collect entries, pick winners and export data.
New in Aiir: Insert anything, anywhere

New in Aiir: Insert anything, anywhere

A popular request — anywhere you see a content editor in Aiir, you now have access to the same ‘Insert’ menu as in Page Editor.
2018 in Review

2018 in Review

Instagram更新 提升整体速度 更新,应用,ios iPhone软件新闻 ...:2021-4-22 · 虽然被Facebook收购了,但Instagram摄影和分享软件仍没有停止支持服务,iOS版本刚刚进行了一次更新,升级到2.4.0 版本。 新版本没有增加新功能,但是整个应用的运行速度有了提升,在界面上我伊也感受到了微小的不同。Instagram拥有庞大的用户群 ...
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